TopAnswerToolPart fields

The TopAnswerToolPart type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Protected field _AppendedQueryTextBox Stores the additional query terms specified in the Append Text to Query text box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _AppendedQueryTextBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Append Text To Query text box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _AppenededQueryTextBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Append Text To Query text box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _CharactersInSummaryLabel Stores the label text for the Characters in Summary text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _CharactersInSummaryTextBox Stores the value specified in the Characters In Summary text box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _CharactersInSummaryToolTip Stores the tool tip text for the Characters in Summary text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _CharactersInUrlLabel Stores the label text for the Characters In URL text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _CharactersInUrlTextBox Stores the value specified in the Characters In URL text box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _CharactersInUrlToolTip Stores the tool tip text for the Characters In URL text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _CollapseToggleSwitchTooltip Stores the tool tip string displayed when a user pauses the mouse over the collapse icon for a tool pane section. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _EnableStemmingCheckBox Stores the checked status of the Enable Search Term Stemming check box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _EnableStemmingCheckBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Enable Search Terms Stemming check box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _EnableStemmingCheckBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Enable Search Terms Stemming check box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ExpandToggleSwitchTooltip Stores the tool tip string displayed when a user pauses the mouse over the expand icon for a tool pane section. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _FixedQueryTextBox Stores the fixed query specified in the Fixed Keyword Query text box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _FixedQueryTextBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Fixed Keyword Query text box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _FixedQueryTextBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Fixed Keyword Query text box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _IgnoreNoiseWordsCheckBox Stores the checked status of the Ignore Noise Words check box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _IgnoreNoiseWordsCheckBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Ignore Noise Words check box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _IgnoreNoiseWordsCheckBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Ignore Noise Words check box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _InvalidCharactersInSummaryError Stores the string displayed when a user specifies a value that is not valid in the Characters In Summary text box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _InvalidCharactersInUrlError Stores the string displayed when a user specifies a value that is not valid in the Characters In URL text box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _InvalidResultsPerPageError Stores the string displayed when a user specifies a value that is not valid in the Results Per Page text box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _InvalidWebpartError Stores the error string when a Web Part that is not valid attempts to load the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _LimitCharactersInSummaryCheckBox Stores the checked status of the Limit Characters In Summary check box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _LimitCharactersInSummaryCheckBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Limit Characters In Summary check box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _LimitCharactersInSummaryToolTip Stores the tool tip text for the Limit Characters In Summary check box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _LimitCharactersInUrlCheckBox Stores the checked status of the Limit Characters In URL check box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _LimitCharactersInUrlCheckBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Limit Characters In URL check box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _LimitCharactersInUrlToolTip Stores the tool tip text for the Limit Characters In URL check box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _LocationPicker The prioritized location picker control in the Location Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _LocationSection The Location Properties section of the tool pane.
Protected field _LocationSectionId Specifies the identifier (ID) for the location section.
Protected field _LocationType Stores the location type for the location specified in the Location dropdown in the Location Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _MoreLinkLabelTextBox Stores the value specified in the More Results Link Text Label text box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _MoreLinkLabelTextBoxLabel Stores the label text for the More Results Link Text Label text box in the More Results Link Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _MoreLinkLabelTextBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the More Results Link Text Label text box in the More Results Link Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _MoreLinkSection The More Results Link Options section tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _MoreLinkSectionId This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _MoreResultsLinkSectionLabel Stores the label text for the More Results Link Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ParameterBindingsEditorButtonLabel Stores the label text for the Parameters Editor… button. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ParameterBindingsEditorDescription Stores the description text for the Parameters Editor field. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ParameterBindingsEditorLiteral Stores the title for the Parameters Editor… button. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _PropertiesToRetrieveTextBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Fetched Properties text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _PropertiesToRetrieveTextBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Fetched Properties text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _PropertiesToRetrieveXmlTexBox Stores the value specified in the Fetched Properties text box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _RemoveDuplicatesCheckBox Stores the value specified in the Remove Duplicate Results text box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _RemoveDuplicatesCheckBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Remove Duplicate Results check box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _RemoveDuplicatesCheckBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Remove Duplicate Results check box in the Results Query Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ResultPerPageLabel Stores the label text for the Results Per Page text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ResultsDisplaySection The Display Properties section tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ResultsDisplaySectionId This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ResultsDisplayViewsSectionLabel Stores the label text for the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ResultsPerPageTextBox Stores the value specified in the Results Per Page text box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ResultsPerPageTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Results Per Page text box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ResultsQueryOptionsSection The Results Query Options section tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ResultsQueryOptionsSectionId This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ResultsQueryOptionsSectionLabel Stores the label text for the Results Query Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ShowMoreLinkCheckBox Stores the value specified in the Show More Results Link check box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ShowMoreLinkCheckBoxLabel Stores the label text for the Show More Results Link check box in the More Results Link Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _ShowMoreLinkCheckBoxTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Show More Results Link check box in the More Results Link Options section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _UseLocationVisualisation Stores the value specified in the Use Location Visualization check box. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _UseLocationVisualisationLabel Stores the label text for the Use Location Visualization check box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _UseLocationVisualisationTooltip Stores the tool tip text for the Use Location Visualization check box in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _XslEditorButtonLabel Stores the label text for the XSL Editor button in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _XslEditorDescription Stores the description text for the XSL Editor button in the Display Properties section of the tool pane. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)
Protected field _XslEditorLiteral Reserved for internal use. (Inherited from SearchResultsBaseToolPart.)


See also


TopAnswerToolPart class

Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.WebControls namespace