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The following lists the interfaces that Microsoft® Office Communicator Automation API exposes.

  • IMessenger
    Encapsulates the basic functionality of Microsoft® Office Communicator for programmatic access. This is the primary interface of Office Communicator Automation API.
  • IMessenger2
    Enhances the primary interface of Office Communicator Automation API with additional behavior.
  • IMessenger3
    Further enhances the primary interface of Office Communicator Automation API.
  • IMessengerAdvanced
    Adds additional features to the IMessenger interface to enable a user to start a conversation with other users, to invite other users to an Office Live Meeting session, to resolve a contact given an e-mail address or a display name, and to retrieve authentication information.
  • IMessengerContact
    Encapsulates a contact that the communications service maintains or whose presence is displayed in a Communicator instance.
  • IMessengerGroup
    Provides methods and properties to manage a group of contacts.
  • IMessengerGroups
    Encapsulates a list of contact groups. Provides methods and properties to manage contact groups.
  • IMessengerPrivate
    Enables an application to add contacts to Communicator programmatically and to receive notifications of events fired from Communicator.
  • IMessengerService
    Encapsulates a communications service that is provided by supported service provider. For Communicator, Microsoft® Office Communications Server is the only such provider.
  • IMessengerWindow
    Encapsulates an instant messaging window. An application can manipulate such a conversation window using this interface.

See Also


About Office Communicator Automation API
Using Office Communicator Automation API