Welcome to the Add-In Wizard, Visual Studio Add-In Wizard

This panel introduces you to the Add-in Wizard. To start the Add-in Wizard, open the New Project dialog box, expand Other Project Types, click Extensibility, and double-click either Visual Studio Add-in or Shared Add-in in the Templates pane. The Add-In Wizard creates a basic add-in framework that you can supplement later. For more information, see Creating Add-ins and Wizards.


  • Back
    Move to the previous page of the Add-In Wizard or to the New Project dialog box if your focus is on the first page.

  • Next
    Move to the next page of the Add-In Wizard.

  • Cancel
    Cancel the Add-In Wizard and the creation of the add-in.

See Also


How to: Control Add-ins with the Add-In Manager

Walkthrough: Creating a Wizard


Select a Programming Language, Visual Studio Add-In Wizard

Other Resources

Creating Add-ins and Wizards