SPWorkItemCollection.DoesUserHaveWorkItems method

Checks whether the specified user has any work items for any of the specified work item types.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SharePoint
Assembly:  Microsoft.SharePoint (in Microsoft.SharePoint.dll)


Public Shared Function DoesUserHaveWorkItems ( _
    userId As Integer, _
    contentDb As SPContentDatabase, _
    ParamArray workItemTypes As Guid() _
) As Boolean
Dim userId As Integer
Dim contentDb As SPContentDatabase
Dim workItemTypes As Guid()
Dim returnValue As Boolean

returnValue = SPWorkItemCollection.DoesUserHaveWorkItems(userId, _
    contentDb, workItemTypes)
public static bool DoesUserHaveWorkItems(
    int userId,
    SPContentDatabase contentDb,
    params Guid[] workItemTypes


  • workItemTypes
    Type: []

    The IDs of work item types of interest.

Return value

Type: System.Boolean
true if at least one work item of any of the specified work item types exists; otherwise, false.

See also


SPWorkItemCollection class

SPWorkItemCollection members

Microsoft.SharePoint namespace