File (package block map schema)

Represents a file contained in the package.

Element hierarchy



<File Name    = The name of the file must be non-empty and no more than 260 (MAX_PATH) characters supported by the APPX package format (even though ZIP format supports up to 65535 bytes).
      Size    = nonNegativeInteger
      LfhSize = The size of the Local File Header for a file must be at least 30 bytes and no more than 64KB as required by the ZIP format. >

  <!-- Child elements -->



*   optional (zero or more)

Attributes and Elements


Attribute Description Data type Required Default value

Size, in bytes, of the file's Local File Header (LFH) structure in the package. For more info about file headers, see ZIP file format specification .

The size of the Local File Header for a file must be at least 30 bytes and no more than 64KB as required by the ZIP format. Yes

Root path and file name.

The name of the file must be non-empty and no more than 260 (MAX_PATH) characters supported by the APPX package format (even though ZIP format supports up to 65535 bytes). Yes

Size, in bytes, of the file's uncompressed data.

nonNegativeInteger Yes


Child Elements

Child Element Description

Represents a block of binary data contained in a file.


Parent Elements

Parent Element Description

Defines the root element of the app package block map. The BlockMap element specifies the algorithm that is used to compute cryptographic hashes and contains a sequence of File child elements that are associated with each file that is stored in the package.



The order of the Block child elements must correspond to the order of the data blocks as they appear in the file being represented.

