IHTMLFrameSetElement::border Property

Sets or retrieves the space between the frames, including the 3-D border.


HRESULT IHTMLFrameSetElement::get_border(VARIANT *p);
HRESULT IHTMLFrameSetElement::put_border(VARIANT v);


  • p
    Pointer to a variable of type VARIANT of type VT_BSTR that receives the number of pixels to reserve as space between frames.
  • v
    VARIANT of type VT_BSTR that specifies the number of pixels to reserve as space between frames.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


This property applies either to the outer frameSet element or to inner frameSet elements. When you specify the IHTMLFrameSetElement::border property of the outermost frameSet element, the IHTMLFrameSetElement::border properties of any inner frameSet elements are ignored. When you do not specify the IHTMLFrameSetElement::border property of the outermost frameSet element, the IHTMLFrameSetElement::border properties of inner frameSet elements are not ignored.

Setting a border to zero or omitting the attribute causes no border to be displayed. Supplying the border attribute without a value defaults to a single border.