Obsolete. Contains the details of a subscription.


typedef struct _tagSubscriptionInfo {
  DWORD                cbSize;
  DWORD                fUpdateFlags;
  CLSID                customGroupCookie;
  LPVOID               pTrigger;
  DWORD                dwRecurseLevels;
  DWORD                fWebcrawlerFlags;
  BOOL                 bMailNotification;
  BOOL                 bGleam;
  BOOL                 bChangesOnly;
  BOOL                 bNeedPassword;
  DWORD                fChannelFlags;
  BSTR                 bstrUserName;
  BSTR                 bstrPassword;
  BSTR                 bstrFriendlyName;
  DWORD                dwMaxSizeKB;
  DWORD                fTaskFlags;
  DWORD                dwReserved;


  • cbSize
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the size of the structure.

  • fUpdateFlags
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the update flags. This can be a combination of the SUBSCRIPTIONINFOFLAGS. It can also be set to SUBSINFO_ALLFLAGS to set all of the flags.

  • schedule
    SUBSCRIPTIONSCHEDULE value that indicates how often the subscription is updated.

  • customGroupCookie
    CLSID value that contains the cookie associated with the group.

  • pTrigger
    Address of a pointer to the TASK_TRIGGER structure.

  • dwRecurseLevels
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the number of levels to recurse.

  • fWebcrawlerFlags
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the flags to control what resources are downloaded by the link crawler. This can be a combination of the WEBCRAWL_RECURSEFLAGS values.

  • bMailNotification
    BOOL value that indicates whether to notify the user through e-mail when the site that is subscribed to has been updated.

  • bGleam
    BOOL value that indicates whether a gleam is displayed when the site that is subscribed to has been updated.

  • bChangesOnly
    BOOL value that indicates whether to only check for changes or to check for changes and download content.

  • bNeedPassword
    BOOL value that indicates whether authentication is required when the site that is subscribed to has been updated.

  • fChannelFlags
    Unsigned long integer value containing the flags that control the channel agent. This can be one of the CHANNEL_AGENT_FLAGS.

  • bstrUserName
    BSTR value that contains the user name used for authentication.

  • bstrPassword
    BSTR value that contains the password used for authentication.

  • bstrFriendlyName
    BSTR value that contains the friendly name for the subscription.

  • dwMaxSizeKB
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the maximum download size (in kilobytes) for this subscription.

  • subType
    SUBSCRIPTIONTYPE value that indicates the type of subscription.

  • fTaskFlags
    Unsigned long integer value that contains the task flags. This can be one of the TASK_FLAG_* values defined in the Task Scheduler Reference.

  • dwReserved
    Reserved. Must be zero.


Windows Internet Explorer 7 and later. This structure is obsolete and should not be used.


Minimum supported client

Windows XP

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server

