F402, Named column joins for LOBs, arrays, and multisets


The specification states the following:

 Subclause 7.7, "<joined table>":
 <joined table> ::=
 <cross join>
 | <qualified join>
 | <natural join>
 <qualified join> ::=
 { <table reference> | <partitioned join table> }
 [ <join type> ] JOIN
 { <table reference> | <partitioned join table> }
 <join specification>
 <natural join> ::=
 { <table reference> | <partitioned join table> }
 NATURAL [ <join type> ] JOIN
 { <table factor> | <partitioned join table> }
 <join specification> ::=
 <join condition>
 | <named columns join>
 <named columns join> ::=
 USING <left paren> <join column list> <right paren>
 Conformance Rules
 Without Feature F402, "Named column joins for LOBs, arrays, and multisets", conforming SQL language shall not contain a <joined table> that simply contains either <natural join> or <named columns join> in which, if C is a corresponding join column, the declared type of C is LOB-ordered, array-ordered, or multiset-ordered.
 NOTE — If C is a corresponding join column, then the Conformance Rules of Subclause 9.11, "Equality operations", also apply.
 Subclause 9.11, "Equality operations":
 Without Feature S024, "Enhanced structured types", in conforming SQL language, the declared type of an operand of an equality operation shall not be ST-ordered.
 Without Feature T042, "Extended LOB data type support", in conforming SQL language, the declared type of an operand of an equality operation shall not be LOB-ordered.
 Without Feature S275, "Advanced multiset support", in conforming SQL language, the declared type of an operand of an equality operation shall not be multiset-ordered.
 NOTE — If the declared type of an operand OP of an equality operation is a multiset type, then OP is a multiset operand of a multiset element grouping operation. The Conformance Rules of Subclause 9.13, "Multiset element grouping operations", apply.
 Subclause 9.13, "Multiset element grouping operations":
 Without Feature S024, "Enhanced structured types", in conforming SQL language, the declared element type of a multiset operand of a multiset element grouping operation shall not be ST-ordered.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 vary as follows:

Transact-SQL does not support this feature.