HttpRequestWrapper.GetBufferlessInputStream Method


Gets a Stream object that can be used to read the incoming HTTP entity body.



Gets a Stream object that can be used to read the incoming HTTP entity body.


Gets a Stream object that can be used to read the incoming HTTP entity body, , optionally disabling the request length limit that is set in the MaxRequestLength property.


Gets a Stream object that can be used to read the incoming HTTP entity body.

 override System::IO::Stream ^ GetBufferlessInputStream();
public override System.IO.Stream GetBufferlessInputStream ();
override this.GetBufferlessInputStream : unit -> System.IO.Stream
Public Overrides Function GetBufferlessInputStream () As Stream


A Stream object that can be used to read the incoming HTTP entity body.


The request's entity body has already been loaded and parsed. Examples of properties that cause the entity body to be loaded and parsed include the following:

To avoid this exception, call the ReadEntityBodyMode method first. This exception is also thrown if the client disconnects while the entity body is being read.

See also

Applies to


Gets a Stream object that can be used to read the incoming HTTP entity body, , optionally disabling the request length limit that is set in the MaxRequestLength property.

 override System::IO::Stream ^ GetBufferlessInputStream(bool disableMaxRequestLength);
public override System.IO.Stream GetBufferlessInputStream (bool disableMaxRequestLength);
override this.GetBufferlessInputStream : bool -> System.IO.Stream
Public Overrides Function GetBufferlessInputStream (disableMaxRequestLength As Boolean) As Stream



true to disable the request length limit; otherwise, false.


A Stream object that can be used to read the incoming HTTP entity body.


The request's entity body has already been loaded and parsed. Examples of properties that cause the entity body to be loaded and parsed include the following:

To avoid this exception, call the ReadEntityBodyMode method first. This exception is also thrown if the client disconnects while the entity body is being read.

See also

Applies to