fy property

Gets or sets the y-coordinate for the focal point of a radial gradient.



HRESULT value = object.put_fy(ISVGAnimatedLength* v);HRESULT value = object.get_fy(ISVGAnimatedLength** p);

Property values

Type: Object

The y-coordinate for the focal point of a radial gradient.

Standards information


The ISVGRadialGradientElement::fx and ISVGRadialGradientElement::fy properties define the focal point for the radial gradient. The gradient is drawn such that the 0% gradient stop is mapped to the point (fx, fy).

If you do not specify the ISVGRadialGradientElement::fy attribute, ISVGRadialGradientElement::fy coincides with the presentational value of ISVGRadialGradientElement::cy for the element, whether the value for ISVGRadialGradientElement::cy is inherited or not. If the element references an element that specifies a value for ISVGRadialGradientElement::fy, the value of ISVGRadialGradientElement::fy is inherited from the referenced element.

You can animate the ISVGRadialGradientElement::fy property.

See also


