Application.SetCustomMenus Method (Visio)

Replaces the current built-in or custom menus of an application or document.

Version Information

Version Added: Visio 4.0


expression .SetCustomMenus(MenusObject)

expression A variable that represents an Application object.




Data Type





An expression that returns a UIObject object that represents the new custom menus.

Return Value




If the UIObject object was created in a separate process by using the CreateObject procedure instead of getting the appropriate property of an Application or Document object, the SetCustomMenus method returns an error.


This Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro shows how to add a menu and menu item to the user interface, and then replace the built-in menu set with the custom set.

To restore the Microsoft Visio built-in user interface after you run this macro, call the ThisDocument.ClearCustomMenus method.

Public Sub SetCustomMenus_Example() 
 Dim vsoUIObject As Visio.UIObject 
 Dim vsoMenuSets As Visio.MenuSets 
 Dim vsoMenuSet As Visio.MenuSet 
 Dim vsoMenus As Visio.Menus 
 Dim vsoMenu As Visio.Menu 
 Dim vsoMenuItems As Visio.MenuItems 
 Dim vsoMenuItem As Visio.MenuItem 
 'Get a UI object that represents the Microsoft Visio built-in menus. 
 Set vsoUIObject = Visio.Application.BuiltInMenus 
 'Get the MenuSets collection. 
 Set vsoMenuSets = vsoUIObject.MenuSets 
 'Get the drawing window menu set. 
 Set vsoMenuSet = vsoMenuSets.ItemAtID(visUIObjSetDrawing) 
 'Get the Menus collection. 
 Set vsoMenus = vsoMenuSet.Menus 
 'Add a Demo menu. 
 Set vsoMenu = vsoMenus.AddAt(1) 
 vsoMenu.Caption = "Demo" 
 'Get the MenuItems collection. 
 Set vsoMenuItems = vsoMenu.MenuItems 
 'Add a menu item to the new Demo menu. 
 Set vsoMenuItem = vsoMenuItems.Add 
 'Set the properties for the new menu item. 
 vsoMenuItem.Caption = "&Hello" 
 vsoMenuItem.AddOnName = "MsgBox ""Hello""" 
 'Tell Visio to use the new UI when the document is active. 
 ThisDocument.SetCustomMenus vsoUIObject 
End Sub