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The Composite Web Application Block helps you create an application composed of modules. There are two types of modules:

  • Business modules. A business module encapsulates a set of concerns that your application addresses, and contains Web pages. Typically, business modules are independent from one another and do not expose functionality to other modules.
  • Foundational modules. A foundational module exposes functionality that is shared across the application. A foundational module does not contain Web pages.

Typically, your application will include standard ASP.NET Web pages that do not belong to a business module. As a user submits Web page requests to your application, the Composite Web Application Block routes the request to the module that contains that Web page. Figure 1 illustrates the routing of requests to a Web client application.


Figure 3

Web client application request routing

Modules and Application Layers

A business module can contain any of the application classes required by the concerns that the module encapsulates. Figure 2 illustrates typical objects organized by application layer (a module can contain all or some combination of the listed components).


Figure 4

Module composition