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Walkthrough: Retrieving Items from the Cache

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This walkthrough demonstrates how to retrieve items from the cache.

To reproduce this demonstration

  1. Configure the cache. For the necessary steps, see "QuickStart Configuration" in Caching QuickStart.

  2. Declare a member variable of type ICacheManager to store the CacheManager object in the QuickStartForm class.

    private ICacheManager primitivesCache;
    Private primitivesCache As ICacheManager
  3. In the method that responds to the user's request to read an item from the cache, add the following code.

    // Prompt the user for the key of the item to be read.
    if (this.selectItemForm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
      // Read the item from the cache. If the item is not found in the cache, the
      // return value will be null.
      Product product = (Product)this.primitivesCache.GetData(selectItemForm.ItemKey);
    ' Prompt the user for the key of the item to be read.
    If (Me.selectItemForm.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK) Then
      ' Read the item from the cache. If the item is not found in the cache, the
      ' return value will be null.
      Dim requestedProduct As Product = DirectCast(Me.primitivesCache.GetData(selectItemForm.ItemKey), Product)
    End If