Running the Plug and Play Driver Test

Before you can run the Plug and Play Driver Test, install the device and driver on the computer.

To run the Plug and Play Driver Test

  • Click Start | All Programs | Windows Driver Kits | WDK_Version | Tools | PnP Driver Test Tool

    - or -

  • Open a command prompt window and type pnpdtest

    See Command Syntax for more information.

The first time you run Pnpdtest, the test prompts you for the location of the test filter driver (Pnpfiltr.sys). Select the filter driver that is appropriate for your computer. The Pnpfiltr.sys filter drivers are located in the %WDK%\tools\pnpdtest\<cpu> directory, where <cpu> is one of the following: amd64, ia64, or x86.

Important   The first time you run Pnpdtest the on Windows Vista, you must run the tool with administrator privileges. Right-click PnP Driver Test Tool on the Start menu and click Run as administrator.

After you select to the proper filter driver for your computer, the filter driver's service will be installed and the driver copied. If you have previously run an older version of the test and old driver is currently loaded, you might need to restart the computer after the new filter driver is copied.

You can use Pnpdtest to test the following:

Device Removal


Double Start

Surprise Removal

Note   You can test all of the preceding scenarios (except for Double Start) together by selecting the target device and clicking Start Stress. The test application will keep choosing one of the preceding tests (remove, surprise remove, or one of the rebalance tests) and running it on the selected device for five minutes.



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Build date: 9/28/2012