DevCon Search Logic

DevCon identifies devices by their computer name, hardware ID, compatible ID, device instance ID, and/or device setup class.

If a command includes more than one ID or ID pattern (an ID that contains wildcard characters (*)), DevCon returns devices whose IDs match any of the IDs or ID patterns. That is, it assumes an "or" between the ID arguments.

For example, devcon hwids *pnp* *mou* returns devices that include either "pnp" or "mou" in their hardware ID or compatible ID.

If a command includes a device setup class, DevCon first limits the search to the setup class and then returns devices in the class that match any of the ID patterns, that is, it assumes an "and" between the class and the IDs and an "or" between each of the ID arguments.

For example, devcon hwids =media *pnp* *microsoft* returns devices in the media device setup class that include either "pnp" or "microsoft" in their hardware ID or compatible ID.

Note   To run DevCon commands on a remote computer, the Group Policy setting must allow the Plug and Play service to run on the remote computer. On computers that run Windows Vista and later versions of Windows, the Group Policy disables remote access to the service by default.



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Build date: 8/16/2013