2.2.35 [HTML] Section 17.3, The FORM element


The specification states:

 enctype = content-type [CI] 
 The value "multipart/form-data" should be used in combination with the INPUT 
 element, type="file".

All Document Modes (All Versions)

Files are only transmitted when the enctype attribute is set to multipart/form-data and the value of the type attribute of the INPUT element is set to file.


The specification states:

 accept-charset = charset list [CI]
 User agents may interpret this value as the character encoding that was used to 
 transmit the document containing this FORM element.

All Document Modes (All Versions)

The value of the accept-charset attribute does not identify the character encoding that is used to transmit the document. Only UTF-8 character encoding is recognized.


The specification states:

 accept = content-type-list [CI]
 User agents may use this information to filter out non-conforming files when 
 prompting a user to select files to be sent to the server (cf. the INPUT element 
 when type="file").

All Document Modes (All Versions)

The information in the accept attribute is not used to filter out non-conforming files that are to be sent to the server. Users may submit any file type.


The specification states:

 User agents may advise the user of the value of the accept-charset attribute and/or 
 restrict the user's ability to enter unrecognized characters.

All Document Modes (All Versions)

The user is not informed when entering unrecognized characters as based on the value of the accept-charset attribute. Additionally, the user is able to enter unrecognized characters as based on the value of the accept-charset attribute.