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LocalizableErrors Enumeration

LocalizableErrors Enumeration

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When the ControlError Event is raised, the type of error is passed back to the consuming application in the LocalizableErrors enumeration. The following table lists the LocalizableErrors enumeration members.

Member Description
FolderAlreadyExists A folder of that name already exists in that location.
RowAlreadyExists The root node corresponding to that Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) already exists in the TreeView control.
NoNodesToRemove The user tried to remove a folder node that doesn't exist.
RootDoesNotExist The user tried to delete a root that doesn't exist.
ExchangeNotAvailable The Exchange store is not available.
FolderNotFound The folder could not be found. The folder may have been modified, moved, or deleted in the Exchange store.
RowLimit The maximum number of roots in the TreeView control has been exceeded.
RootAlreadyExists A root node corresponding to the URI already exists.
DragNotAllowedAcrossServers Drag-drop is not allowed between root nodes that correspond to locations on different computers.
SpecialCharactersInCredentials The user credentials contain special characters.
UnableToDeleteFolder A failure occurred while attempting to delete a folder.
UnableToMoveFolder A failure occurred while attempting to move a folder.
UnableToCopyFolder A failure occurred while attempting to copy a folder.
UnableToRenameFolder A failure occurred while attempting to rename a folder.
ConnectionProblem Unable to connect to the server.

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Build: June 2007 (2007.618.1)

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