Window Properties

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

The Window type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AutoHides Gets or sets whether the tool window is able to be hidden.
Public property Caption Gets or sets the title of the window.
Public property Collection Gets the collection containing the Window object supporting this property.
Public property ContextAttributes Gets a ContextAttributes collection which allows automation clients to add new attributes to the current selected items in the Dynamic Help window and provide contextual help for the additional attributes.
Public property Document Gets the Document object associated with the item, if one exists.
Public property DocumentData Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public property DTE Gets the top-level extensibility object.
Public property Height Gets or sets a value indicating the dimensions of the window in pixels.
Public property HWnd Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public property IsFloating Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tool window is floating over other windows.
Public property Kind Gets a string indicating the type of window.
Public property Left Gets or sets the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of its container.
Public property Linkable Gets or sets a value indicating whether the tool window can be docked with other tool windows.
Public property LinkedWindowFrame Gets a Window object representing the window frame containing the window.
Public property LinkedWindows Gets a collection of all linked windows contained in the linked window frame.
Public property Object Gets an object that can be accessed by name at run time.
Public property ObjectKind Gets the type of the Window object, which is a GUID string representing the tool contained in the window.
Public property Project Gets the Project object associated with the Window object.
Public property ProjectItem Gets the ProjectItem object associated with the Window object.
Public property Selection Gets an object representing the current selection on the Window object.
Public property Top Gets or sets the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of its container.
Public property Type Infrastructure. Microsoft Internal Use Only.
Public property Visible Gets or sets the visibility of a window.
Public property Width Gets or sets the width of the window in character units.
Public property WindowState Gets or sets the state, such as minimized, normal, and so forth, of the window.


See Also


Window Interface

EnvDTE Namespace