
Represents a configuration section for defining a backup list that enumerates a set of endpoints that you would like the Routing Service to use in case the primary endpoint can't be reached. If the first endpoint in the list is down, the Routing Service will automatically fail-over to the next one in the list. This gives you a quick way to add reliability to your application without having to teach your client application how to handle complex patterns or where all of your services are deployed.



    <backupList name="String">
      <add endpointName="String" />

Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Description
name A string that specifies the name used to identify this endpoint list.

Child Elements

Element Description

Parent Elements

Element Description
<routing> A list of backup endpoints.


This section contains an ordered collection of endpoints that a message will be transmitted to in the event of a communications exception when sending to the primary endpoint.

If a send to the primary endpoint listed in the endpointName attribute of <add> fails with a communications exception, the Routing Service will attempt to send the message to the first endpoint in this configuration section. If this also fails with a communications exception, the Routing Service will attempt to send the message to the next message contained in this section until the send attempt succeeds, returns a failure other than a communication exception, or all endpoints in the collection have returned a failure.

In the following example, if a send to the primary endpoint named "Destination" returns a communication exception, the service will attempt to send the message to the "alternateServiceQueue". If this attempt also returns a communication exception, the Routing Service will attempt to send the message to the next endpoint in the collection.

  <filterTable name="filterTable1">
    <add filterName="MatchAllFilter1"
         backupList="backupEndpointList" />
  <backupList name="backupEndpointList">
    <add endpointName="backupServiceQueue" />
    <add endpointName="alternateServiceQueue" />

See also