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CatalogManager Object


Use this object to work with the entire Product Catalog System. The methods and properties of this object effect all catalogs contained in the Product Catalog System.

ProgID:   Commerce.CatalogManager (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   CatalogManager
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2000 Catalog Type Library
DLL Name:   Catalog.dll
Threading Model:   Both

The properties of the CatalogManager object are shown in the following table.

Property Type Description
Catalogs _Recordset Returns a recordset containing a record for each catalog contained in the Product Catalog System, including their properties.

This property is read-only.

CategoryDefinitions _Recordset Returns a recordset containing the names of all of the category definitions that currently exist in the Product Catalog System.

This property is read-only.

CustomCatalogs _Recordset Returns a recordset containing a record for each custom catalog. These records include the custom catalog names and the names of the catalogs they are based on.

This property is read-only.

ProductDefinitions _Recordset Returns a recordset containing the names of all the product definitions that currently exist in the Product Catalog System.

This property is read-only.

Properties _Recordset Returns a recordset containing the name of each property that currently exists in the Product Catalog System.

This property is read-only.

The methods of the CatalogManager object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
AddDefinitionProperty Adds a property to a definition.
AddDefinitionVariantProperty Adds a variant property to a definition.
AddPropertyValue Adds a value to the list of defined values for this property. Only applies to enumerations.
CreateCatalog Creates a new catalog.
CreateCategoryDefinition Creates a new category definition.
CreateProductDefinition Creates a new product definition.
CreateProperty Creates a new property.
DeleteCatalog Deletes a catalog.
DeleteDefinition Deletes a product or category definition
DeleteProperty Deletes a property.
ExportCSV Exports catalog data as a comma-separated value format file.
ExportXML Exports catalog data as an Extensible Markup Language (XML) format file.
FreeTextSearch Performs a free-text search of catalogs.
GetCatalog Returns the specified catalog object.
GetDefinitionProperties Returns the properties of a specified product or category definition
GetPropertyAttributes Returns all the attributes of a specified property.
GetPropertyValues Returns a list of appropriate values for an enumeration property.
ImportCSV Imports a comma-separated value format file as catalog data.
ImportXML Imports an XML format file as catalog data.
Initialize Initializes the CatalogManager object.
Query Performs queries against product, variant, and category data in one or more catalogs.
RemoveDefinitionProperty Removes the specified property or variant property from a definition.
RemovePropertyValue Removes a defined value from an enumeration property.
RenameDefinition Renames a definition.
RenameProperty Renames a property.
SetDefinitionProperties Use this method to change the properties of a category or product definition.
SetPropertyAttributes Changes the attributes of a property.


Some methods of the CatalogManager object cannot be called in a transacted object. They are the CreateCatalog, DeleteCatalog, GenerateCustomCatalog, ImportCSV, ImportXML, and RegenerateFreeTextSearchIndex methods. These methods involve the creation, deletion, or updating of free text indexes. SQL Server does not allow these operations in a transaction.

Binding to the CatalogManager in a COM+ component that has either the Required or Requires New property set generates a run time error.

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