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Solution Sites Include Folder

The files in this folder are used by the files in the Services\Customer and Services\Partner folders except for global_service_lib.asp, which is included by the file global.asa.

The following files are contained in this folder.

File Description
ad_routines.asp Contains functions to add or remove a user from an Active Directory group.
check_profile.asp Contains functions for checking whether a profile exists and whether a profile being edited has changed.
const.asp Defines constants used in Customer and Partner Services.
delete_profiles.asp Contains routines for deleting profiles.
edit_handlers.asp Contains action handlers (for example, add, delete, copy, and so on).
get_profiles.asp Contains functions for retrieving profile properties or a list of profiles.
global_service_lib.asp Used to assign friendly names to Customer and Partner Services pages, and adds attributes and styles to these pages. Included by the file global.asa.
initialize.asp Contains routines to initialize the variables (action, subaction, and profile ID) used in all the Partner and Customer Services pages.
lib.asp Contains general routines.
list_handlers.asp Contains action handlers for "selecting" in list-type pages.
logic_orders.asp Contains routines to prepare the order page before rendering.
messagebox_handlers.asp Contains the action handler for the Save changes confirmation message box.
order_handlers.asp Contains action handlers for the order details page.
password_handlers.asp Contains action handlers for the change password form.
profiles_common.asp Contains routines to build T_SQL statements for use with the Profiling System.
render_common.asp Contains common rendering functions.
render_edit_blank.asp Contains common rendering functions for blank editing pages.
render_edit_common.asp Contains common rendering functions for editing pages.
render_edit_multi.asp This file is intentionally empty.
render_edit_single.asp This file is intentionally empty.
render_list.asp Contains common list rendering routines.
render_messagebox.asp Contains functions for rendering various types of message boxes.
render_orders.asp Contains functions for rendering the orders page.
render_password.asp Contains functions for rendering the change password form.
requisition.asp Contains routines for retrieving orders and order details requested by the user.
save_all_profiles.asp Contains common routines for saving profiles when the Select All option is in use.
save_multiple_profiles.asp This file is empty. In multi-select mode, profiles are saved one-by-one by the file save_one_profile.asp.
save_one_profile.asp Contains common routines for creating and saving single profiles. In multi-select cases, the profiles are saved one-by-one.

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