Microsoft.Maps.MapControl Namespace

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The Microsoft.Maps.MapControl namespace contains the most commonly used public classes of the Bing Maps Silverlight Control.


Class Description
AerialMode Represents the Aerial map mode.
ApplicationIdCredentialsProvider Provides credentials in the form of an application ID (a Bing Maps Key).
ClientTokenCredentialsProvider Provides credentials in the form of a client token.
Credentials Contains information used to authenticate requests.
LoadingErrorEventArgs Provides data for a map LoadingError event.
Location Contains the altitude and coordinate values of a location on the map.
LocationCollection Contains a collection of Location items.
LocationRect Represents a rectangle on the map.
LocationRectTileSource Represents map tiles contained with a location rectangle that are available on Bing Maps servers.
Map Represents the default map class.
MapEventArgs Provides data for Map events.
MapItemsControl Represents the class that uses a MapLayer as an ItemsPanel. This enables data binding using an ItemsSource and an ItemTemplate. This class inherits from the ItemsControl class.
MapKeyHeldEventArgs Provides data for the KeyHeld event.
MapKeyPressEventArgs Provides data for the KeyPress event.
MapLayer Represents a map layer, which positions its child UIElement objects using geographic coordinates.
MapLayerBase Represents the base map layer.
MapMouseDragEventArgs Provides data for the MouseDragBox and the MousePan event.
MapMouseEventArgs Provides data for the MouseClick and MouseDoubleClick and events.
MapMouseWheelEventArgs Provides data for the MouseWheel event.
MapPolygon Represents a polygon on the map.
MapPolyline Represents a polyline on the map.
MapTileLayer Represents a layer of image tiles on the map.
MapTouchDragEventArgs Provides data for the TouchPan event.
MapTouchEventArgs Represents the touch event arguments base class.
MapTouchRotateEventArgs Provides data for the TouchRotate event.
MapTouchZoomEventArgs Provides data for the TouchZoom event.
ProjectionChangedEventArgs Provides data for the ProjectionChanged event.
Pushpin Represents a pushpin on the map.
Range Defines a generic range class for a given minimum and maximum value.
RoadMode Represents the Road map mode.
ShapeBase Represents the base shape class.
TileSource Retrieves the URI for a tile based on its zoom level and tile position.


Structure Description
PositionOrigin Represents the anchor point of the Position property on a UIElement.


Enumeration Description
AltitudeReference Represents the starting plane of the altitude measurement.
AnimationLevel Determines when map navigation is animated.