2.2.162 [RFC6047] Section 1.1 Related Memos


The specification describes how iMIP relates to iCal [RFC5545] and iTIP [RFC5546].

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, Microsoft Outlook 2010, Microsoft Outlook 2013, Microsoft Outlook 2016, Microsoft Outlook 2019

iTIP is interpreted as being the use of iCalendar format to represent scheduling objects. iMIP is interpreted as a subset of iTIP, specifically a method for transmitting iTIP data over e-mail without any embedding. In particular, iCalendar files attached to an e-mail message is not considered in the scope of the iMIP protocol.

In some places, [RFC6047] does not imply that there is a difference between iMIP data and iCalendar files attached to an e-mail message. Outlook renders these two scenarios differently, as detailed in the following sections.