
Sets a value indicating whether a page break occurs after the object.


{ page-break-after: sBreak }

Possible values


String that specifies one of the following values:


Default. Neither force nor forbid a page break after the object.


Always insert a page break after the object.

empty string

Do not insert a page break.


Insert one or two page breaks after the object so that the next element begins at the top of the next left-hand page (in double-sided documents).


Insert one or two page breaks after the object so that the next element begins at the top of the next right-hand page (in double-sided documents).

The property has a default value of auto. The cascading style sheet property is not inherited.


This property applies when printing the document. This property does not apply to the BR or HR elements.

If there are conflicts between this property and the page-break-before value on the object previously displayed in the browser, the value that results in the largest number of page breaks is used.

Page breaks are not permitted inside positioned objects.


The following example uses the page-break-after property to start printing on a new page. This example uses the p element as a selector in an embedded style sheet to break the page at the end of each paragraph:

    p {page-break-after: always}

Standards information

This property is defined in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Level 2 (CSS2) Ee371252.xtlink_newWindow(en-us,Expression.40).png.

Applies to

blockquote, body, button, caption, center, dd, div, dl, dt, fieldset, form, hn, li, ol, p, table, tbody, tfoot, th, thead, tr, ul, xmp

See also



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