Token Stream Name


Token Stream Function

Indicates the completion status of a stored procedure. This is also generated for stored procedures executed through SQL statements.

Token Stream Comments

  • The token value is 0xFE.

  • A DONEPROC token is sent when all the SQL statements within a stored procedure have been executed.

  • A DONEPROC token can be followed by another DONEPROC token or a DONEINPROC only if the DONE_MORE bit is set in the Status value.

  • There is a separate DONEPROC token sent for each stored procedure that is called.

Token Stream-Specific Rules

 TokenType        =   BYTE
 Status           =   USHORT
 CurCmd           =   USHORT
 DoneRowCount     =   LONG

Token Stream Definition

 DONEPROC         =   TokenType

Token Stream Parameter Details

Token stream parameter details are described in the following table.






The Status field MUST be a bitwise 'OR' of the following:

  • 0x00: DONE_FINAL (this DONEPROC is the final DONEPROC in the request).

  • 0x1: DONE_MORE (this DONEPROC message is not the final DONEPROC message in the response; more data streams are to follow).

  • 0x2: DONE_ERROR (an error occurred on the current stored procedure).

  • 0x4: DONE_INXACT (a transaction is in progress).<7>

  • 0x10: DONE_COUNT (the DoneRowCount value is valid; this is used to distinguish between a valid value of 0 for DoneRowCount or just an initialized variable).

  • 0x80: DONE_RPCINBATCH (this DONEPROC message is associated with an RPC within a set of batched RPCs; this flag is not set on the last RPC in the RPC batch).

  • 0x100: DONE_SRVERROR (used in place of DONE_ERROR when an error occurred on the current stored procedure that is severe enough to require the result set, if any, to be discarded).


The token of the SQL statement for executing stored procedures.


The count of rows that were affected by the command. The value of DoneRowCount is valid if the value of Status includes DONE_COUNT.