3.1 Common Details

The protocol details in this section contain formulas operating on sets of elements, which include the operators and special identifiers listed in the following table.

Operator or special identifier



A ∪ B

A union of two sets. Every element in the resulting set belongs to either A, or B, or both.

A ∩ B

An intersection of two sets. Every element in the resulting set belongs to both A and B.

{ }

{A1,..., An}

A set consisting of elements A1 through An.

B ⊆ A

A ⊇ B

B is a subset of or equal to A: every element of B is also an element of A.


Set += element

An instruction to include an element into a set. The Set is assigned to

Set {element}.


A = ø

An empty set: a set that contains no elements. Set A is asserted to be an empty set, it has no elements.


C =A \ B

A relative compliment: the elements belonging to A that are not in B. Set C is the relative compliment of sets A and B.