Protocol-Specific Details

Using LDAP and DNS protocols.

Server information discovery by using LDAP and DNS

Figure 6: Server information discovery by using LDAP and DNS

  1. The client contacts an LDAP server DS for service connection point objects via LDAP.

  2. The LDAP server returns one or more service connection point objects, which reference one or more Autodiscover server URIs or another LDAP server. If the service connection point returns another LDAP server, repeat step 1 with the new LDAP server until URIs are returned for Autodiscover servers.

  3. The client parses the URI and adds the appropriate Autodiscover server URIs to the list of possible Autodiscover server URIs.

  4. The client executes a DNS search for SRV records that match the returned Autodiscover server URI.

  5. If the DNS server responds with any SRV records, the corresponding Autodiscover server URI records are added to the list of possible Autodiscover server URIs on the client. It is not an error if the DNS server does not return any DNS SRV records in response to the DNS search.

  6. The client uses the Autodiscover server URI to contact the Autodiscover server via HTTP to query server information.