FormUrlEncodedMediaTypeFormatter.ReadFromStreamAsync Method


Namespace:   System.Net.Http.Formatting
Assembly:  System.Net.Http.Formatting (in System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll)

Overload List

Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod ReadFromStreamAsync(Type, Stream, HttpContent, IFormatterLogger)

Asynchronously deserializes an object of the specified type.(Overrides MediaTypeFormatter.ReadFromStreamAsync(Type, Stream, HttpContent, IFormatterLogger).)

System_CAPS_pubmethod ReadFromStreamAsync(Type, Stream, HttpContent, IFormatterLogger, CancellationToken)

Asynchronously deserializes an object of the specified type.(Inherited from MediaTypeFormatter.)

See Also

FormUrlEncodedMediaTypeFormatter Class
System.Net.Http.Formatting Namespace

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FormUrlEncodedMediaTypeFormatter.ReadFromStreamAsync Method (Type, Stream, HttpContent, IFormatterLogger)

Asynchronously deserializes an object of the specified type.


public override Task<object> ReadFromStreamAsync(
    Type type,
    Stream readStream,
    HttpContent content,
    IFormatterLogger formatterLogger
virtual Task<Object^>^ ReadFromStreamAsync(
    Type^ type,
    Stream^ readStream,
    HttpContent^ content,
    IFormatterLogger^ formatterLogger
) override
override ReadFromStreamAsync : 
        type:Type *
        readStream:Stream *
        content:HttpContent *
        formatterLogger:IFormatterLogger -> Task<Object>
Public Overrides Function ReadFromStreamAsync (
    type As Type,
    readStream As Stream,
    content As HttpContent,
    formatterLogger As IFormatterLogger
) As Task(Of Object)


  • type
    Type: System.Type

    The type of object to deserialize.

Return Value

Type: System.Threading.Tasks.Task<Object>

A Task whose result will be the object instance that has been read.

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