Manage activation by using Volume Activation Management Tool (Industry 8.1)


Review how the Volume Activation Management Tool 3.0 (VAMT 3.0) is used to activate your Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry (Industry 8.1) device.

The Volume Activation Management Tool 3.1 (VAMT 3.1) is a free tool that can help simplify the activation process. VAMT 3.1 is distributed as a part of the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit for Windows 8.1. For more information about VAMT, please see Volume Activation Management Tool Technical Reference.

This process contains the following steps:

  1. Add your device to your VAMT host’s database.
  2. The VAMT host contacts Microsoft licensing server over the Internet and transmits the license information on behalf of the device.
  3. Microsoft licensing server returns a confirmation ID for the device to the VAMT host.
  4. The VAMT host applies that confirmation ID to the device. The device is now activated.

This process can be done on a device-by-device basis but is also scriptable to allow for easier bulk device activation.

In this section

See Also


Activate a device