
This operation is used to store a value in the propertyBag collection of the crawler application.

 <wsdl:operation name="SetConnectorProperty">
   <wsdl:input wsam:Action="http://tempuri.org/ISearchApplicationAdminWebService/SetConnectorProperty" message="tns:ISearchApplicationAdminWebService_SetConnectorProperty_InputMessage"/>
   <wsdl:output wsam:Action="http://tempuri.org/ISearchApplicationAdminWebService/SetConnectorPropertyResponse" message="tns:ISearchApplicationAdminWebService_SetConnectorProperty_OutputMessage"/>

The protocol client sends an ISearchApplicationAdminWebService_SetConnectorProperty_InputMessage request message and the server responds with an ISearchApplicationAdminWebService_SetConnectorProperty_OutputMessage response message, as follows:

  • If the name element in the request message is NULL or empty, the protocol server MUST throw a FaultException<ExceptionDetail> message.

  • If there is a name/value pair with the same name as the name element in the request message, the protocol server MUST update the value of the existing pair with the value element in the request message. Otherwise, the protocol server MUST create a new pair with the requested name and value.

  • For all other errors, the protocol server MUST send a FaultException<ExceptionDetail> message to the protocol client.