The RGB function calculates an RGB color value as a combination of red, green and blue components.


 RGB = val val val " RGB():128"

Required Arguments:

Name: Red

Type: vUnsignedInt

An argument that specifies the intensity of red.

Name: Green

Type: vUnsignedInt

An argument that specifies the intensity of green.

Name: Blue

Type: vUnsignedInt

An argument that specifies the intensity of blue.

Return Value:

Type: PtgColorRGB

This function returns a PtgColorRGB containing a color value. The byte that specifies red in the PtgColorRGB is equal to Red. The byte that specifies green in the PtgColorRGB is equal to Green. The byte that specifies blue in the PtgColorRGB is equal to Blue. If the value of any of the arguments is greater than 0xFF, the function sets the argument’s value to the result of the bitwise AND operation between the original value and 0xFF, before performing the operation.