Computation of aggregated activity

The following figure specifies the process of computing aggregated activity.<43>

Computation of aggregated activity

Figure 7: Computation of aggregated activity

To calculate aggregated activity, the computing function uses the sorted set of state instances from the end of the previous aggregated availability step.

The computing function begins with all of the activities from the current set of state instances. It removes any activities that lack a token or custom string, as well as any activities that are invalid because the current aggregate availability does not fall between the activity's minAvailability and maxAvailability values.

If an activity set is not empty, the activity with the highest minAvailability value MUST be used as the current activity. In case of a tie, the most recently published activity, as determined by the publication time of the corresponding state instance, is used. If start time is present, it MUST be used instead of publication time to break the tie. Aggregated activity SHOULD<44> be empty if the set of activities is empty.