DisplayContext Property

The DisplayContext property determines the visibility of the content class in the user interface.

Property DisplayContext As Long [C++]
Get method:
HRESULT get_DisplayContext(LONG*pDisplayContext);
Put method:
HRESULT put_DisplayContext(LONGvarDisplayContext);

[Visual Basic]



Return Values

This property returns a Long that indicates how the content class is displayed. For a listing of valid values, see EnumKnowledge_DisplayContext. The values are additive, so although named and defined as an enum, EnumKnowledge_DisplayContext is a bit mask. The bit mask value must be either 3 or 0.

Error Values

If an error is raised, Err.Number is set to one of the values documented on the Error Messages page.



Get method:

  • pDisplayContext
    [out, retval] Pointer to a LONG that indicates how the content class is displayed.

    For a listing of valid values, see EnumKnowledge_DisplayContext. The values are additive, so although named and defined as an enum, EnumKnowledge_DisplayContext is a bit mask. The bit mask value must be either 3 or 0.

Put method:

  • varDisplayContext
    [in] LONG that indicates how the content class is displayed.
Return Values

For a list of error messages returned by SharePoint Portal Server, see Error Messages.