2.5.2 ad:objectReferenceProperty Header

The ad:objectReferenceProperty SOAP header, which is located in the http://schemas.microsoft.com/2008/1/ActiveDirectory XML namespace, is attached to a SOAP request message to specify the object reference property of the directory object against which the operation specified in the SOAP message is to be performed. For example, if the SOAP message specifies a WS-Transfer Get operation [WXFR], the ad:objectReferenceProperty header specifies the directory object that is to be returned.

The content of the ad:objectReferenceProperty header is the directory object's object reference property in either GUID or distinguished name form, as specified in section 2.3.1. For example, in the following request, the requestor is asking that the operation (a WS-Transfer Get) specified in the SOAP message be performed against the object whose object reference property (specified as a GUID) is {a492d5f2-18c3-4f93-87d8-09a8c66bb5e4}. In conjunction with the ad:instance SOAP header, this uniquely identifies a single directory object located in a single directory service.

     <wsa:Action s:mustUnderstand="1">
     <wsa:To soapenv:mustUnderstand="1">
   <soapenv:Body />

The ad:objectReferenceProperty is relative to the ad:instance header specified in the request. If the ad:instance header is not specified, the directory object cannot be uniquely identified, because directory objects on different directory services could share the same GUID or distinguished name.

The ad:instance and ad:objectReferenceProperty header elements are included in the wxf:resourceCreated/wsa:ReferenceParameters element of the response to a WS-Transfer Create operation, as shown in the following example.
