IServerHealthReport Interface

The IServerHealthReport interface, as specified in [MS-DCOM], inherits the IUnknown interface. Method opnum field values start with 3; opnum values 0 through 2 represent the IUnknown_QueryInterface, AddRef, and Release methods, respectively.

To receive incoming remote calls for this interface, the server MUST implement a DCOM object with the UUID {E65E8028-83E8-491b-9AF7-AAF6BD51A0CE}.

Methods in RPC Opnum Order




Retrieves health information for the specified replication group and global health data of the DFS-R service on the server.

Opnum: 3


Gets the health information for the specified replication group and the global health data of the DFS-R service on the server. The server MUST encode the report as a field in the format that is specified by the DFS-R compression algorithm (as specified in [MS-FRS2] section

Opnum: 4


Not implemented.

Opnum: 5


Gets the version vectors for all replicated folders in the specified replication group.

Opnum: 6


Local use only. MUST not be called by the client.

Opnum: 7


Gets the outbound backlog for a replicated folder on the member, relative to specified version vectors.

Opnum: 8