
The View complex type contains minimal details about a view. It has the following schema:

 <s:complexType name="View">
   <s:attribute name="URL" type="s:string" use="required"/>
   <s:attribute name="Title" type="s:string"  use="required"/>
   <s:attribute name="ID" type="s:string" use="required"/>
   <s:attribute name="AllowedInRoot" type="tns:TrueFalseType" use="optional"/>

URL: Specifies a site-relative URL of the view, for example, "Shared Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx". This URL MUST NOT be URL-encoded.

Title: Specifies the title of the view, for example, "All Documents".

ID: Specifies the GUID of the view. This GUID MUST be enclosed in curly braces ({}).

AllowedInRoot: If true, this view is allowed in root; otherwise, this view is not allowed in root. It MUST be of type TrueFalseType, as defined in section<14>