
This structure holds a list of Form elements, each of which describes a single form. This structure is defined as follows:

 <s:element name="GetFormCollectionResponse">
       <s:element name="GetFormCollectionResult">
             <s:element name="Forms">
                   <s:element name="Form" minOccurs="0"
                       <s:attribute name="Type" use="required">
                           <s:restriction base="s:string">
                             <s:enumeration value="DisplayForm" />
                             <s:enumeration value="EditForm" />
                             <s:enumeration value="NewForm" />
                             <s:enumeration value="NewFormDialog" />
                             <s:enumeration value="SolutionForm" />
                             <s:enumeration value="" />
                       <s:attribute name="Url" type="s:string"

GetFormCollectionResult: This structure holds the data returned from the WSDL operation..

Forms: A list of complex types Form. It holds the information of a list of form.

Form: A complex type that holds the information of a form.

Type: A string with the form type. It MUST be the same type as the one defined in GetFormResponse (section

Url: The server relative URL<3> of the page hosting the form.