Specifying Broker Configuration Settings

You can use the following options to specifying the broker configuration settings:

  • Use the SessionStartInfo.BrokerSettingsInfo class to specify the settings that control the broker's behavior for this session (overrides a subset of the broker settings).
  • Modify the settings in the %CCP_HOME%Bin\HpcWcfBroker.exe.config configuration file. The configuration file contains the global broker settings that all HPC brokers that run on the broker node will use.
  • Create a broker configuration file for your service.

To create a broker configuration file for your service, perform the following steps:

  1. Copy %CCP_HOME%Bin\HpcWcfBroker.exe to %CCP_HOME%Bin\servicenameHpcWcfBroker.exe, where servicename is the name of your service. For example, if the name of your service is AsianOptions, copy %CCP_HOME%Bin\HpcWcfBroker.exe to %CCP_HOME%Bin\AsianOptionsHpcWcfBroker.exe.

  2. Run the following command:

    cluscfg setparams AsianOptions.BrokerTaskProgram="%ccp_home%bin\AsianOptionsHpcWcfBroker.exe

  3. Copy %CCP_HOME%Bin\HpcWcfBroker.exe.config to %CCP_HOME%Bin\AsianOptionsHpcWcfBroker.exe.config.

  4. Modify the settings of %CCP_HOME%Bin\AsianOptionsHpcWcfBroker.exe.config as appropriate for your service. Typically, you change the client binding that the broker uses to talk to the backend services.