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SideShowMgr_UserChangeRequestCch (Windows CE 5.0)

Windows CE 5.0 SupportedWindows Embedded NavReady 2009 Supported


This function requests that the Windows Vista SideShow module change the current user. This function returns immediately after the request has been sent to the Windows Vista computer, but the change does not take affect until the computer acts on it and sends a SHELLMSG_USER_CHANGED message to your application. This function should be used instead of the SideShowMgr_UserChangeRequest function. A list of available user names can be obtained by using the SideShowMgr_GetAvailableUserNames function.


BOOL SideShowMgr_UserChangeRequestCch(
  WCHAR* wcUserName,
  DWORD dwAllocatedCharacters


  • wcUserName
    The user name to change to.
  • dwAllocatedCharacters
    Number of characters that wcUserName can hold.

Return Value

Returns TRUE if the request was sent, or FALSE if the specified user could not be found.


Header sideshow.h
Library sideshowapi.lib
Windows Embedded CE Windows CE 5.0, Windows Embedded NavReady 2009

See Also


SideShow Functions