IFsiDirectoryItem2::AddTreeWithNamedStreams method (imapi2fs.h)

Adds the contents of a directory tree along with named streams associated with all files to the file system image.


HRESULT AddTreeWithNamedStreams(
  [in] BSTR         sourceDirectory,
  [in] VARIANT_BOOL includeBaseDirectory


[in] sourceDirectory

String that contains the relative path of the directory tree to create. The path should contain only valid characters as per file system naming conventions. This parameter cannot be NULL.

Note  You must specify the full path when calling this method from the root directory item.

[in] includeBaseDirectory

Set to VARIANT_TRUE to include the directory in sourceDirectory as a subdirectory in the file system image. Otherwise, VARIANT_FALSE.

Return value

S_OK is returned on success, but other success codes may be returned as a result of implementation. The following error codes are commonly returned on operation failure, but do not represent the only possible error values:

Return code/value Description
Value: 0x00AAB15FL
Feature is not supported for the current file system revision, and as a result, will be created without this feature.
Value: 0xC0AAB101
The value specified for parameter '%1!ls!' is invalid.
Value: 0xC0AAB10B
ls!' is not part of the file system. It must be added to complete this operation.
Value: Value: 0xC0AAB12AL
Error occurred while creating data stream for '%1!ls!'.
Value: 0xC0AAB129L
Cannot read data from stream supplied for file '%1!ls!'.
Value: 0xC0AAB102
The referenced IFileSystemImage object is in read only mode.
Value: 0xC0AAB112L
'%1!ls!' name already exists.
Value: 0xC0AAB120L
Adding '%1!ls!' would result in a result image having a size larger than the current configured limit.
Value: 0xC0AAB128L
The data stream supplied for the file '%1!ls!' is inconsistent; expected %2!I64d! bytes, found %3!I64d!
Value: 0x8007000EL
Failed to allocate required memory.


The parent directory for the new sub-directory must already exist within the file system image.

The sub-directory structure within specified sourceDirectory is implicitly mirrored in the file system image. If file or directory collisions occur, the content of the specified source directory prevails.

The file system image is overwritten with the appropriate directories and files from the source directory. If an exception occurs during processing, the file system image reverts to its previous state.

If this method is invoked for a file system object that does not contain UDF in the list of file systems enabled for creation in the resultant image or if the UDF revision is below 2.00, this method returns success code IMAPI_S_IMAGE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED. This indicates that the named streams have been added but will not appear in the resultant file system image unless UDF revision 2.00 or higher is enabled in the file system object.

When utilizing alternate data streams (ADS) it is important to note that the file system image has a limitation of 1000 streams. Exceeding this number will result in lost data.

This method is supported in Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2), and Windows Vista via the Windows Feature Pack for Storage. All features provided by this update package are supported natively in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista, Windows XP with SP2 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header imapi2fs.h

See also
