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ICompilationSummary Members

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This interface is a helper interface for IBuildInformationNode of type "CompilationSummary". Use the InformationNodeConverters class to obtain an ICompilationSummary.

The ICompilationSummary type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method AddCompilationSummary Adds a child compilation summary to the compilation summary.
Public method Save Saves the compilation summary to the server.



  Name Description
Public property Children Gets the child compilation summaries of this compilation summary.
Public property CompilationErrors Gets or sets the number of compilation errors encountered for this project.
Public property CompilationWarnings Gets or sets the number of compilation warnings encountered for this project.
Public property Id Gets the ID of the compilation summary's underlying IBuildInformationNode.
Public property Parent Gets the compilation summary parent of this compilation summary. This property can be nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
Public property ProjectFile Gets or sets the project that is summarized by this compilation summary.
Public property StaticAnalysisErrors Gets or sets the number of static analysis errors encountered for this project.
Public property StaticAnalysisWarnings Gets or sets the number of static analysis warnings encountered for this project.


See Also


ICompilationSummary Interface

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client Namespace