Working with frames pages

A frames page is a type of web page that, when displayed in the browser, has multiple regions within it called frames. Each of these frames can display a different web page. Frames pages are often used for catalogs, lists of articles or information, or any other kind of page where clicking a hyperlink in one frame shows a page in another frame.

A frames page itself contains no visible content — it's just a container that specifies which other web pages to display in a frame and how to display them.


Some older browsers cannot show frames pages. Instead, they show a "no frames" message when a site visitor opens a frames page on your site.

You create a frames page by using one of the frames page templates in Microsoft Expression Web. In each of these templates, the navigation between frames is already set up for you.

For example, a frames page created by using the Banner and Contents frames page template actually shows four pages simultaneously in the browser: the frames page, which is the container, and the three pages shown in each of the three frames. In the following example, when you click a hyperlink in the contents frame on the left, the page pointed to by that hyperlink opens in the main frame.

Banner and Contents frames page template



Frames page


Banner frame


Contents frame


Main frame

See also


Change the frame targeted by a hyperlink
Create and format a frames page
Edit a page shown in a frame
Set the display properties of frames


Inline frames

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