A server implementation MUST NOT accept the IN_R1/B1 RTS PDU in any state other than Opened_B1W. If this condition is not met, the server MUST treat this PDU as a protocol error as specified in section

If this RTS PDU is received in Opened_B1W state, an implementation of this protocol MUST perform the following actions in the sequence given:

  1. Switch the default IN channel from the predecessor IN channel to the successor IN channel.

  2. Send IN_R1/B2 RTS PDU on the successor IN channel to the inbound proxy.

  3. Set the value of ServerReceiveWindowSize in the IN R1/B2 RTS PDU to the value of ReceiveWindowSize from the server Virtual Connection.

  4. Close the IN channel connection to the predecessor inbound proxy.

  5. Transition to the opened state.