
The UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument operation<83> is used to update XML document properties of the content type collection on a list.

 <wsdl:operation name="UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument">
     <wsdl:input message="UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentSoapIn" />
     <wsdl:output message="UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentSoapOut" />

The protocol client sends an UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentSoapIn request message (section and the protocol server responds with an UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentSoapOut response message (section, as follows:

  1. If the newDocument is valid XML, but does not follow the schema for newDocument, the protocol server MUST ignore it, and return an empty UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentResult (section

  2. If the specified listName is a valid GUID and corresponds to the identification of a list on the site, use that list.

  3. If the specified listName is not a valid GUID or does not correspond to the identification of a list on the site, check if the listName corresponds to the list title of a list on the site and, if so, use that list.

  4. If the list specified by the listName is not found, the protocol server SHOULD<84> return a SOAP fault with error code 0x82000006. This indicates that the list does not exist or might have been deleted by another user.

  5. If the newDocument.ContentTypes element contains more than 1000 child elements, the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault with error code -2146232832 . This indicates that the request specified too many content types.

  6. If the content type specified by the ContentType.ID attribute is not found, the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault. There is no error code for this fault.

  7. If the content type specified by the ContentType.ID attribute does not contain any child elements, the protocol server MUST return a SOAP fault. There is no error code for this fault.

  8. If an XML document with the same namespace URI [RFC2396] already exists, it MUST be replaced by the new XML document.

  9. Otherwise, the new XML document MUST be added to the XML document collection that the content type specified by the ContentType.ID attribute, and the protocol server MUST return a success UpdateContentTypesXmlDocumentResult.