
Maps a sequence to a character class.

template<class FwdIt>
    char_class_type lookup_classname(FwdIt first, FwdIt last) const;


  • first
    Beginning of sequence to look up.

  • last
    End of sequence to look up.


The member function returns a value that designates the character class named by the character sequence pointed to by its arguments. The value does not depend on the case of the characters in the sequence.

The specialization regex_traits<char> recognizes the names "d", "s", "w", "alnum", "alpha", "blank", "cntrl", "digit", "graph", "lower", "print", "punct", "space", "upper", and "xdigit", all without regard to case.

The specialization regex_traits<wchar_t> recognizes the names L"d", L"s", L"w", L"alnum", L"alpha", L"blank", L"cntrl", L"digit", L"graph", L"lower", L"print", L"punct", L"space", L"upper", and L"xdigit", all without regard to case.



// std_tr1__regex__regex_traits_lookup_classname.cpp 
// compile with: /EHsc 
#include <regex> 
#include <iostream> 
typedef std::regex_traits<char> Mytr; 
int main() 
    Mytr tr; 
    Mytr::char_type ch = tr.translate('a'); 
    std::cout << "translate('a') == 'a' == " << std::boolalpha 
        << (ch == 'a') << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "nocase 'a' == 'A' == " << std::boolalpha 
        << (tr.translate_nocase('a') == tr.translate_nocase('A')) 
        << std::endl; 
    const char *lbegin = "abc"; 
    const char *lend = lbegin + strlen(lbegin); 
    Mytr::size_type size = tr.length(lbegin); 
    std::cout << "length(\"abc\") == " << size <<std::endl; 
    Mytr::string_type str = tr.transform(lbegin, lend); 
    std::cout << "transform(\"abc\") < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha 
        << (str < "abc") << std::endl; 
    const char *ubegin = "ABC"; 
    const char *uend = ubegin + strlen(ubegin); 
    std::cout << "primary \"ABC\" < \"abc\" == " << std::boolalpha 
        << (tr.transform_primary(ubegin, uend) < 
            tr.transform_primary(lbegin, lend)) 
        << std::endl; 
    const char *dig = "digit"; 
    Mytr::char_class_type cl = tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5); 
    std::cout << "class digit == d == " << std::boolalpha 
        << (cl == tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 1)) 
        << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "'3' is digit == " <<std::boolalpha 
        << tr.isctype('3', tr.lookup_classname(dig, dig + 5)) 
        << std::endl; 
    std::cout << "hex C == " << tr.value('C', 16) << std::endl; 
// other members 
    str = tr.lookup_collatename(dig, dig + 5); 
    Mytr::locale_type loc = tr.getloc(); 
    return (0); 
translate('a') == 'a' == true
nocase 'a' == 'A' == true
length("abc") == 3
transform("abc") < "abc" == false
primary "ABC" < "abc" == false
class digit == d == true
'3' is digit == true
hex C == 12


Header: <regex>

Namespace: std

See Also



regex_traits Class
