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UsesSphereCulling Property

Microsoft Robotics Class Reference

this entity uses frustum culling on rendering affected by children in this entity's hierarchy default is true, but should be false for (special effects, terrain, invisible objs) if true, a valid bounding sphere should be present we should make this internal, since we expose the DisableViewFrustumCulling flag, and this flag is with respect to the the hierarchy which the user shouldn't be able to set however, making this internal could is a breaking change to user code, do we really want to do this -- not at the moment at least

Namespace: Microsoft.Robotics.Simulation.Engine
Assembly: SimulationEngine (in SimulationEngine.dll) Version: (


public bool UsesSphereCulling { get; set; }

See Also

VisualEntity Class

Microsoft.Robotics.Simulation.Engine Namespace