WMI Provider Error Messages

Communications Server 2007 Server SDK Documentation

WMI Provider Error Messages

If you make an error in your WMI script or when using the WBemtest tool, you will receive an error code without a corresponding description.

The following table contains descriptions of error codes returned by the Office Communications Server 2007 WMI provider:

HRESULT Error Message
0xC3EC5801L Directory user entry update failed while moving user. (0)
0xC3EC5802L Stored procedure execution on the source pool failed while moving user. (1)
0xC3EC5803L Stored procedure execution on the destination pool failed while moving user. (2)
0xC3EC5804L Stored procedure execution on the source pool failed while moving user. (3)
0xC3EC5805L Directory user entry update failed while moving user. (4)
0xC3EC5808L Cannot move user from pool.
0xC3EC5809L Cannot move user to pool.
0xC3EC580AL Cannot move user from pool.
0xC3EC580BL Cannot move user to pool.
0xC3EC580CL Cannot change the user's SIP settings and move the user to a different pool at the same time.
0xC3EC580DL The primary SIP URI is already used by a different user.
0xC3EC580EL The contact (%1) does not have the originator SID attribute present.
0xC3EC580FL Move user operation failed.
0xC3EC5810L The attempt to rollback the initial directory update failed during the move user operation.
0xC3EC5811L Move user operation failed.
0xC3EC5819L The user's HomeServerDN attribute is invalid.
0xC3EC581AL Unable to read the user's information from the Active Directory.
0xC3EC581BL The user's InstanceID attribute is NULL or empty.
0xC3EC581DL Unable to retrieve the user's UserCategory attribute from the Active Directory.
0xC3EC5823L The Windows NT user account configured for $(VER_PRODUCTGENERICNAME_STR) is disabled and is not mapped to an external user account.
0xC3EC5825L WMI provider is busy processing other requests. Try the request later.
0xC3EC5826L The store procedure's version does not match the WMI provider's expectation.
0xC3EC5827L WMI is not able to retrieve the version of the configuration database's store procedures.
0xC3EC5828L $(VER_PRODUCTGENERICNAME_STR) could not determine whether this Windows NT user account is disabled. If the account is disabled, verify that the user account is mapped to an external user account in a remote forest.
0xC3EC5829L The remote call control device URI is already used by a different user.
0xC3EC582AL Unable to read the value of InstanceID of the policy data instance.
0xC3EC582BL Unable to read the value of msRTCSIP-DefaultPolicy attribute of the policy data instance from the Active Directory.
0xC3EC582CL Cannot delete the default policy data instance.
0xC3EC582DL Unable to read the value of distinguishedName attribute for the Active Directory object.
0xC3EC582EL Users enabled for enhanced presence cannot be disabled.
0xC3EC582FL Unable to read the value of msRTCSIP-Default attribute of the data instance from the Active Directory.
0xC3EC5830L Cannot delete the default data instance.
0xC3EC5831L MSFT_SIPPoolSetting: Instance ID and Policy DN are invalid.
0xC3EC5832L The contact (%1) does have both the originator SID and object source type attributes.
0xC3EC5833L Unable to read the value of InstanceID of the data instance.
0xC3EC5834L Unable to set property on the WMI object.
0xC3EC5835L Users cannot be enabled for voice if they are not enabled for enhanced presence.
0xC3EC7D00L Integer value was not in the range specified by the metadata.
0xC3EC7D01L String value was longer than the maximum number of characters allowed.
0xC3EC7D02L Duplicate found and duplicates are not allowed.
0xC3EC7D03L Enum value not defined.
0xC3EC7D04L Value was NULL and NULL is not allowed.
0xC3EC7D05L Value validation failed - generic error. More info in the error data structure.
0xC3EC7D06L Type supplied was different than the one specified in the metadata.
0xC3EC7D07L Invalid GUID format.
0xC3EC7D08L Key column value is NULL.
0xC3EC7D09L Trying to create 2nd instance on a singleton class.
0xC3EC7D0AL Store is corrupt in some way.
0xC3EC7D0BL Operation specified (create, update, etc) is not valid for this class.
0xC3EC7D0CL Invalid IP address (could be a valid FQDN though).
0xC3EC7D0DL Invalid Host (IP/FQDN) address.
0xC3EC7D0EL Duplicate Key Found <-- not currently used.
0xC3EC7D0FL A read-only property is modified.
0xC3EC7D1CL Invalid Web URL.
0xC3EC7D1DL URL can't start with HTTPS.
0xC3EC7D1EL URL can't start with HTTP.
0xC3EC7D1FL Array length has exceeded the max allowed.
0xC3EC7D6AL MSFT_SIPGlobalFederationSetting: RouteToEnterpriseEdge is NULL when EnableRouteToEnterpriseEdge is TRUE.
0xC3EC7D6BL MSFT_SIPGlobalFederationSetting: RouteToEnterpriseEdgePort is NULL when EnableRouteToEnterpriseEdge is TRUE.
0xC3EC7D6DL MSFT_SIPApplicationSetting: File or dir path is not valid.
0xC3EC7D71L MSFT_SIPRemoteAddressData: Already an existing entry with the same server name.
0xC3EC7D73L MSFT_SIPProxySecuritySetting: Realm is empty when DefaultRealm is set to FALSE.
0xC3EC7D74L MSFT_SIPRoutingTableData, MSFT_SIPListeningAddressData: TLSCertSN is not NULL and TLSCertIssuer is NULL.
0xC3EC7D75L MSFT_SIPRoutingTableData, MSFT_SIPListeningAddressData: TransportType is TCP, and both TLSCertIssuer and TLSCertSN are not NULL.
0xC3EC7D76L MSFT_SIPListeningAddressData: TransportType is TLS or MTLS and TLSCertIssuer is NULL.
0xC3EC7D77L MSFT_SIPEsGlobalRegistrarSetting: (MinRegistrationExpiry <= DefRegistrationExpiry <= MaxRegistrationExpiry) is not true.
0xC3EC7D78L MSFT_SIPEsGlobalRegistrarSetting: (MinRoamingDataSubscriptionExpiry <= DefRoamingDataSubscriptionExpiry <= MaxRoamingDataSubscriptionExpiry) is not true.
0xC3EC7D79L MSFT_SIPEsGlobalRegistrarSetting: (MinPresenceSubscriptionExpiry <= DefPresenceSubscriptionExpiry <= MaxPresenceSubscriptionExpiry) is not true.
0xC3EC7D7AL MSFT_SIPEsGlobalSearchSetting: MaxNumRows > NumRowsServerRequests.
0xC3EC7D7BL MSFT_SIPListeningAddressData: An existing instance clashes with the new instance.
0xC3EC7D7CL MSFT_SIPListeningAddressData: An existing instance contains a generic address that encompasses specified address.
0xC3EC7D7DL MSFT_SIPListeningAddressData: An existing instance contains a specific address that clashes with specified address.
0xC3EC7D7EL MSFT_SIPRoutingTableData: An existing route which clashes with the new instance.
0xC3EC7D80L MSFT_SIPApplicationPriorityList: Trying to insert/ delete items from the priority list (not allowed).
0xC3EC7D81L MSFT_SIPRoutingTableData: SIP URI is not valid (doesn't confirm to the RFC rules) - any syntax errors.
0xC3EC7D84L MSFT_SIPLogSetting: Invalid MSMQ queue path.
0xC3EC7D85L MSFT_SIPRoutingTableData: User part of the URI is not valid.
0xC3EC7D86L MSFT_SIPRoutingTableData: Host part of the URI is not valid.
0xC3EC7D87L MSFT_SIPLogSetting: Invalid ack queue path.
0xC3EC7D88L MSFT_SIPLogServiceSetting: Invalid MSMQ queue name.
0xC3EC7D89L MSFT_SIPESUserACEData: Mask is not empty when Type is All.
0xC3EC7D8AL MSFT_SIPESUserACEData: Mask is not a valid domain name when Type is Domain.
0xC3EC7D8BL MSFT_SIPESUserACEData: Mask is not a valid domain name when Type is Domain.
0xC3EC7D8CL MSFT_SIPESUserACEData: Mask is not a valid URI when Type is All.
0xC3EC7D8DL MSFT_SIPESUserACEData: Invalid combination of Presence and Communications flags.
0xC3EC7D91L Value validation succeeded with a warning.
0xC3EC7D92L Queue was not validated because it is not on the local machines.
0xC3EC7D93L File or dir path was not validated because it is not on the local machines.
0xC3EC7D94L Total number of entry in the WMI list exceeds max allowed to display in the property page.
0xC3EC7D95L Certificate does not have AT_KEYEXCHANGE property and cannot be used for encryption/decryption and signing.
0xC3EC7D96L Certificate does not have a subject.
0xC3EC7D98L MSFT_SIPLogOptions: ArchivingBEToken contains invalid SIP characters.
0xC3EC7D99L MSFT_SIPLogServiceSetting: ArchivingDBPath cannot start with '(local)' or '.'.
0xC3EC7D9DL MSFT_SIPESUserSetting: LineURI contains an empty Telephony URI.
0xC3EC7D9EL MSFT_SIPESUserSetting: LineURI is neither a Telephony URI nor a SIP URI.
0xC3EC7D9FL MSFT_SIPFederationInternalServerData: Internal server contains only *
0xC3EC7DA0L MSFT_SIPFederationNetworkProviderTable: Duplicate $(ACCESSPROXY_PRODUCT_GENERICNAME_STR) Entry.
0xC3EC7DA3L $(VER_PRODUCTGENERICNAME_STR) cannot use this certificate because it contains an invalid subject name. The subject name must contain a valid FQDN and no asterisks (*), the wild character.
0xC3EC7DA5L MSFT_SIPApplicationSetting: Deleting or modifying this instance from the app setting class is not allowed.
0xC3EC7DA8L MSFT_SIPDataComplianceSetting: Compliance location is NULL, and Meeting content compliance is enabled.
0xC3EC7DA9L MSFT_SIPGroupExpansionSetting: DL Operation is enabled, but both InternalDLExpansionWebURL and ExternalDLExpansionWebURL are NULL.
0xC3EC7DAAL MSFT_SIPAVMCUetting: To Port is less than From Port.
0xC3EC7DABL MSFT_SIPGlobalMeetingPolicyData: Policy DN is invalid.
0xC3EC7DACL MSFT_SIPGlobalMeetingPolicyData: Name of the default policy can't be changed.
0xC3EC7DAEL Administrative dollar share not allowed.
0xC3EC7DAFL Administrative dollar share not allowed.
0xC3EC7DB0L Volume does not support explicit ACLs.
0xC3EC7DB3L MSFT_SIPDataMCUCapabilitySetting: Both InternalClientContentDownloadURL and ExternalClientContentDownloadURL are NULL. At least one of them must be non-NULL.
0xC3EC7DB4L MSFT_SIPClientVersionData: URL is null when Action's value is 'Prompt'.
0xC3EC7DB5L MSFT_SIPClientVersionData: URL is non null when Action's value is not 'Prompt'.
0xC3EC7DB7L MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: $(MEDIARELAY_PRODUCT_GENERICNAME_STR)'s MRExternalPortRangeFrom < MRExternalPortRangeTo.
0xC3EC7DB8L MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: MR is installed, but one of the following is not set: MRExternalIPAddress, MRExternalTCPPort, MRInternalTCPPort.
0xC3EC7DB9L MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: DP is installed, but one of the following is not set: DPExternalIPAddress, DPExternalPort, DPInternalPort.
0xC3EC7DBAL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: AP is installed, but one of the following is not set: APExternalIPAddress, APExternalRemoteAccessPort, APExternalFederationPort, APInternalPort.
0xC3EC7DBBL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: APInternalPort == DPInternalPort.
0xC3EC7DBCL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: MRExternalIPAddress == InternalIPAddress.
0xC3EC7DBDL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: DPExternalIPAddress == InternalIPAddress.
0xC3EC7DBEL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: APExternalIPAddress == InternalIPAddress.
0xC3EC7DBFL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: APExternalIPAddress:APExternalFederationPort == DPExternalIPAddress:DPExternalPort.
0xC3EC7DC0L MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: APExternalIPAddress:APExternalRemoteAccessPort == DPExternalIPAddress:DPExternalPort.
0xC3EC7DC1L MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: APExternalIPAddress:APExternalFederationPort == MRExternalIPAddress:MRExternalTCPPort.
0xC3EC7DC2L MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: APExternalIPAddress:APExternalRemoteAccessPort == MRExternalIPAddress:MRExternalTCPPort.
0xC3EC7DC3L MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: DPExternalIPAddress:DPExternalPort == MRExternalIPAddress:MRExternalTCPPort.
0xC3EC7DC4L MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: APInternalPort == MRInternalTCPPort.
0xC3EC7DC5L MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: DPInternalPort == MRInternalTCPPort.
0xC3EC7DC6L MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: APExternalRemoteAccessPort = NULL and APExternalFederationPort = NULL.
0xC3EC7DC7L MSFT_SIPDataMCUProxyServerData: InternalFQDN = InternalFQDN of another entry.
0xC3EC7DC8L MSFT_SIPDataMCUProxyServerData: ExternalFQDN = ExternalFQDN of another entry.
0xC3EC7DC9L MSFT_SIPDataMCUProxyServerData: InternalFQDN = ExternalFQDN of another entry.
0xC3EC7DCAL MSFT_SIPDataMCUProxyServerData: ExternalFQDN = InternalFQDN of another entry.
0xC3EC7DCBL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: MRExternalTCPPort is in MRExternalPortRangeFrom:MRExternalPortRangeTo range.
0xC3EC7DCCL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: APExternalFederationPort is in MRExternalPortRangeFrom:MRExternalPortRangeTo range.
0xC3EC7DCDL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: APExternalRemoteAccessPort is in MRExternalPortRangeFrom:MRExternalPortRangeTo range.
0xC3EC7DCEL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: DPExternalPort is in MRExternalPortRangeFrom:MRExternalPortRangeTo range.
0xC3EC7DCFL Unique column exists in store.
0xC3EC7DD4L MSFT_SIPMediationServerListeningAddressData: Same ProxyListeningPort and GatewayListeningPort.
0xC3EC7DD5L Other Active Directory objects are referencing this object.
0xC3EC7DD6L File path cannot be relative.
0xC3EC7DD7L MSFT_SIPPhoneRouteUsageData: UsageAttribute of the default usage can't be changed.
0xC3EC7DD8L MSFT_SIPGlobalUCPolicyData: PhoneRouteUsage DN is invalid.
0xC3EC7DD9L Default MSFT_SIPGlobalUCPolicyData policy does not have default PhoneRouteUsage DN.
0xC3EC7DDAL Invalid MSFT_SIPDomainData: default domain data entry.
0xC3EC7DDBL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: $(MEDIARELAY_PRODUCT_GENERICNAME_STR)'s MRInternalTCPPort = MRASInternalPort.
0xC3EC7DDCL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: DPInternalPort == MRASInternalPort.
0xC3EC7DDDL MSFT_SIPEdgeServerListeningAddressSetting: APInternalPort == MRASInternalPort.
0xC3EC7DDEL Incorrect regular expression found.
0xC3EC7DDFL MSFT_SIPESUserSetting: Enabled and RCC are mutually exclusive settings.
0xC3EC7DE0L MSFT_SIPESUserSetting: IPPBXSoftPhoneRoutingEnabled is enabled without being UCEnabled.
0xC3EC7DE1L MSFT_SIPESUserSetting: Phone part of the URI is not valid.
0xC3EC7DE2L MSFT_SIPESUserSetting: Extension part of the URI is not valid.
0xC3EC7DE3L MSFT_SIPFederationInternalDomainData: SupportedInternalDomain cannot be anonymous.invalid.
0xC3EC7DE4L MSFT_SIPESUserSetting: LineURI contains an empty Telephony URI.
0xC3EC7DE5L String was blank and blank string is not allowed.
0xC3EC7DE6L MSFT_SIPESUserSetting: Invalid LineServerURI.
0xC3EC7DE7L Default UC Policy refers the usage.
0xC3EC7DE8L Location profile name can contains alpha-numeric characters or dash or dot.
0xC3EC7DE9L Certificate supports both server and client authentication.
0xC3EC7DEAL Properties DefaultRoute, IsClearinghouse and AllowRemoteUsersCommunicateWithAnyDomain are mutually exclusive.
0xC3EC7DEBL Federation should be enable for DefaultRoute and IsClearinghouse.
0xC3EC7DECL Federation should be disabled for AllowRemoteUsersCommunicateWithAnyDomain property.
0xC3EC7DEDL Outside user not allowed for clearing house.
0xC3EC7DEEL AllowRemoteUsersCommunicateWithAnyDomain must be disabled if AllowOutsideUsers is disabled.
0xC3EC7DEFL MSFT_SIPEsUserSetting: AllowIPAudio is FALSE when AllowIPVideo is TRUE.
0xC3EC7DF0L MSFT_SIPDiagnosicFilterSetting: URIFilter1 or URIFilter2 contains more than asterisk or it contains on asterisk that is not the first or last character of the filter value.
0xC3EC7DF1L MSFT_SIPDiagnosicFilterSetting: FQDNFilter1 or FQDNFilter2 contains an asterisk and wildcards are not support for FQDN filters.
0xC3EC7DF2L MSFT_SIPESUserSetting: LineServerURI is incorrect.
0xC3EC7DF3L MSFT_SIPESUserSetting: LineURI is incorrect.
0xC3EC7DF4L MSFT_SIPESUserSetting: LineServerURI is incorrect.
0xC3EC7DF5L MSFT_SIPESUserSetting: IPPBXSoftPhoneRoutingEnabled is enabled and LineURI is empty.
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