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IVsDataTableUniqueKey Interface

Represents a mapped object that describes a set of columns defined by a table that together uniquely identify a row in the table.

Namespace:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Services.RelationalObjectModel
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Services (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Services.dll)


<DataMappedObjectTypeAttribute("TableUniqueKey", Identifier := "Catalog, Schema, Table, Name",  _
    AvailableRestrictions := "Catalog, Schema, Table, Name", RequiredOrdering := "Catalog, Schema, Table, Name",  _
    ClassId := "BA82B5A5-1337-433e-BA7C-754356C69B43")> _
Public Interface IVsDataTableUniqueKey _
    Inherits IVsDataMappedObject, IVsDataSiteableObject(Of IVsDataMappedObject)
[DataMappedObjectTypeAttribute("TableUniqueKey", Identifier = "Catalog, Schema, Table, Name", 
    AvailableRestrictions = "Catalog, Schema, Table, Name", RequiredOrdering = "Catalog, Schema, Table, Name", 
    ClassId = "BA82B5A5-1337-433e-BA7C-754356C69B43")]
public interface IVsDataTableUniqueKey : IVsDataMappedObject, 
[DataMappedObjectTypeAttribute(L"TableUniqueKey", Identifier = L"Catalog, Schema, Table, Name", 
    AvailableRestrictions = L"Catalog, Schema, Table, Name", RequiredOrdering = L"Catalog, Schema, Table, Name", 
    ClassId = L"BA82B5A5-1337-433e-BA7C-754356C69B43")]
public interface class IVsDataTableUniqueKey : IVsDataMappedObject, 
[<DataMappedObjectTypeAttribute("TableUniqueKey", Identifier = "Catalog, Schema, Table, Name", 
    AvailableRestrictions = "Catalog, Schema, Table, Name", RequiredOrdering = "Catalog, Schema, Table, Name", 
    ClassId = "BA82B5A5-1337-433e-BA7C-754356C69B43")>]
type IVsDataTableUniqueKey =  
        interface IVsDataMappedObject
        interface IVsDataSiteableObject<IVsDataMappedObject>
public interface IVsDataTableUniqueKey extends IVsDataMappedObject, IVsDataSiteableObject<IVsDataMappedObject>

The IVsDataTableUniqueKey type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Columns Gets all the columns that make up this unique key.
Public property Identifier Gets the list of identifier parts that uniquely identify the current generic mapped type. (Inherited from IVsDataMappedObject.)
Public property IsDeleted Gets a value indicating whether the current generic mapped type is deleted. (Inherited from IVsDataMappedObject.)
Public property IsPrimary Gets a value indicating whether this unique key is a primary key.
Public property Name Gets the name of the generic mapped type. (Inherited from IVsDataMappedObject.)
Public property Properties Gets name/value pairs containing the property names and values associated with the current generic mapped type. (Inherited from IVsDataMappedObject.)
Public property Selector Gets a selector object that enables the retrieval of data source–specific metadata from the data object support XML file. (Inherited from IVsDataMappedObject.)
Public property Site Gets or sets the site. (Inherited from IVsDataSiteableObject<T>.)
Public property Type Gets the type name as a string for the current generic mapped type. (Inherited from IVsDataMappedObject.)
Public property UnderlyingObject Gets the underlying object that is contained by the current generic mapped type. (Inherited from IVsDataMappedObject.)


See Also


Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Services.RelationalObjectModel Namespace