pSetupInstallCatalog function

[This function is no longer supported by Microsoft. Developers should use CryptCATAdminAddCatalog.]

Installs a catalog file.


DWORD pSetupInstallCatalog(
  _In_      LPCTSTR CatalogFullPath,
  _In_      LPCTSTR NewBaseName,
  _Out_opt_ LPTSTR  NewCatalogFullPath


CatalogFullPath [in]

The fully qualified path of the catalog to be installed on the system.

NewBaseName [in]

The new base name to use when the catalog file is copied into the catalog store.

NewCatalogFullPath [out, optional]

Optionally receives the fully qualified path of the catalog file within the catalog store. This buffer should be at least MAX_PATH bytes (ANSI version) or chars (Unicode version).

Return value

If the function succeeds, it returns NO_ERROR; otherwise, it returns a Win32 error code that indicates the cause of the failure.


The file is copied by the system into a special directory and is optionally renamed.

This function has no associated import library or header file; you must call it using the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress functions.


Requirement Value

See also
