ApphelpCheckShellObject function (appcompatapi.h)

[This function is available for use in the Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP operating systems. It may be altered or unavailable in the future.]

Enables applications to detect bad extension objects and either block them from running or fix them.


BOOL SDBAPI ApphelpCheckShellObject(
  [in]  REFCLSID  ObjectCLSID,
  [in]  BOOL      bShimIfNecessary,
  [out] ULONGLONG *pullFlags


[in] ObjectCLSID

The GUID of a register class.

[in] bShimIfNecessary

This parameter is TRUE if a shim is needed; FALSE otherwise.

[out] pullFlags

This parameter is filled with a 64-bit flag mask that can be used to turn on application modification flags in Explorer/IE. These are located in the application compatibility database.

Return value

FALSE if the object should be blocked from instantiating; TRUE otherwise.


This is a helper function for Explorer and Internet Explorer that allows those applications to detect bad extension objects and either block them from running or fix them.

If the database indicates that a shim should be used to fix the extension and bShimIfNecessary is TRUE, this function loads Shimeng.dll and applies the fix.

This function has no associated import library or header file; you must call it using the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress functions.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header appcompatapi.h
DLL Apphelp.dll